His Wife Doesn’t Approve Of His Home Projects, So He Puts One In The Family WhatsApp Group To Prove That His Ideas Were Cool » TwistedSifter

His Wife Doesn’t Approve Of His Home Projects, So He Puts One In The Family WhatsApp Group To Prove That His Ideas Were Cool » TwistedSifter


His Wife Doesn’t Approve Of His Home Projects, So He Puts One In The Family WhatsApp Group To Prove That His Ideas Were Cool » TwistedSifterHis Wife Doesn’t Approve Of His Home Projects, So He Puts One In The Family WhatsApp Group To Prove That His Ideas Were Cool » TwistedSifter

When you disagree with someone, it can help to get an opinion from a third-party.

But doing this can be interpreted as passive aggressive, which can make things even more heated instead of cooling them down.

That’s what happened here. Check out how this husband tried to resolve something with his wife.

I’m in a WhatsApp group that includes my wife, her sister and me.

I sent a video and picture of a new bed I bought for my wife and I, a purchase she didn’t not appreciate.

That could have been the end of it. However…

I thought it all looked quite cool, wanted to show it off to others after not getting a great response from my wife, but also wanted to highlight to my wife the difference in response.

Her sister said, “This is so cool and it looks amazing! How do I get this?” Followed up by a couple other questions.

We didn’t explicitly discuss it, but it was clear my wife wasn’t impressed I brought it up in the chat.

Then he starts digging himself into a bigger hole.

After my wife saw me putting it on and made her initial negative comments, I brought up a YouTube video I saw where the wife mentions first thing that her husband is a genius.

The video also shows the work he’s done in the house.

I mentioned how all the comments were full of people being more impressed by the wife praising her husband than the actual work he did.


Here is what people are saying.

It seems like an ego trip.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Okay, now I need to read more of these.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Imagine thinking your wife shouldn’t get a say in the place where she sleeps.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Sounds like your partner should leave you, too. Wow.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Great point. He’s showing off and pretending it’s kindness.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Why are these two together?

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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