Things are rough out there economically for a lot of folks these days, and it’s a good idea to shop around for the best rates if you’re looking to buy a car.
And it’s obvious that the person this guy is talking about didn’t do a whole lot of research…
The TikTokker’s name is J Rod and he talked to viewers about what he called the “perfect first time buyer” he recently dealt with in his job selling cars.
J Rod said, “I just sold a car to the most perfect first-time buyer. This gentleman came in, he saw a car that we had online. It was a 2019 Toyota Camry, priced like $2,000 below the market.”
He continued, “At first he just wanted to look at the car. Open the door. Make sure everything looked good. He connected his phone. I threw him the keys. I told him, ‘Listen take your time make sure you like the car. If you need any help I’m inside.’”
The man wanted the car and J Rod said, “So, ended up doing a credit app. He’s a 650 score. Makes a little bit over $3,000 a month from Amazon, so full-time work at Amazon.”
J Rod said the man had $6,000 in cash for a down payment and he said, “Pretty much an instant approval. Gosh, he came with the money down. He bought a quality freaking car. Car’s gonna last forever. And he’s fully protected. So, I mean, it really even doesn’t get better than that.”
But there’s the 14% rate, which J Rod said “wasn’t bad for a first-time buyer.”
Check out the video.
@jrodsellscars This is how you buy a car 🎯!#carsalesman #approved #dealership #carbuyingtips #firsttimebuyer #jrodsellscars
♬ original sound – jrodsellscars
Here’s what folks had to say.
This TikTokker chimed in.
Another person shared their thoughts.
And one viewer chimed in.
Sounds a bit high, don’t you think?
If you liked that story, check out this video about a Dollar Store cashier who has had it with customers who argue over $4 products.