He Caught His Nephews Stealing From Him, But When Their Parents Didn’t Care He Took His Proof To The Police » TwistedSifter

He Caught His Nephews Stealing From Him, But When Their Parents Didn’t Care He Took His Proof To The Police » TwistedSifter

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He Caught His Nephews Stealing From Him, But When Their Parents Didn’t Care He Took His Proof To The Police » TwistedSifterHe Caught His Nephews Stealing From Him, But When Their Parents Didn’t Care He Took His Proof To The Police » TwistedSifter

When family members do something wrong, it can be tempting to let them off the hook easy, but that isn’t always what is best.

What would you do if your nephews repeatedly stole from you and their parents did nothing about it?

That is what this uncle is dealing with, and he finally decided to call the police.

Check out the details!

About mid way last week when I came home from work I noticed my shed door was open and the padlock that I used to keep it shut was broken.

And I had a LOT of bags full of soda cans in there.

Those cans can add up fast.

I and my friends tend to drink a lot of soda, so I’ve built up a lot of cans over the course of about a year.

And I was going to cash them in at the bottle drop soon because I like big payouts.

It’s ten cents a can where I live after all.

But there was more than just my bags of cans missing from the shed too.

They took my gardening shears, a steel rake, two shovels (One of them being one of those folding camping ones), a full two gallon gas can, a cheap power drill I got for like $5 used, an electric hedge trimmer, and a small electric chainsaw that was also used, and a machete.

They didn’t touch the lawn mower, weed wacker, extension cords, or the old radio I had in there.

No idea why they took what they did.

But I guess they figured they could resell them or something.

How disappointing.

I checked my camera footage and there was my three nephews (Ages 16, 15, and 14) breaking into my shed with one of their dad’s large claw hammers.

I recognized the hammer because it’s bright yellow and black, and their dad has a bunch of them.

It only took them a few hits to smash that cheap lock.

After they first broke into my shed, they took what they could by hand.

And then they came back with some shopping carts that I’m guessing they also stole.

But it took them a few trips to get all of the cans.

And they didn’t bother to even try and close the door when they were done.

My sister and BIL first denied their kids stole anything from me.

So I went to their house and showed them the security footage from my cameras.

I’d not told them I’d had cameras installed.

And the reason I had the cameras put in was because of prior thefts by my nephews.

It started with food & snacks.

And then moved on to DVDs and video games.

Then pretty much anything they thought they could smuggle out after that.

And any time I made them return stuff they’d stolen from me, I was treated like the bad guy and then got the fakest apologies I’ve ever heard.

And they never got in much trouble from their parents either.

The final straw happened last year when my nephews broke into my house and stole three six packs of my favorite blood orange beer from my fridge.

They used my hidden spare key to get in, and also took a huge dump in one of my bathrooms and not only didn’t flush, but also peed all over the floor.

And I’m pretty sure it was intentional.

The beer they stole was hidden in one of their bedrooms when I confronted my sister and BIL about my nephews stealing it.

They need to be punished or they will never stop.

And I was basically given an equivalent to “Boys will be boys” when I wanted them punished.

So, I had the cameras put in and told no one. Which was a smart move.

When my sister and BIL saw the camera footage of my nephews stealing from me, they seemed furious.

But they were actually madder that their boys skipped school to steal from me.

They’d spent all day making repeated trips to the Bottle Drop and cashing the cans by machine.

The bottle drop also pays by machine.

So they just kept bringing the cans in till they cashed them all.

And then they bought video games and junk food with the money.

Said money actually amounted to nearly $200.

With that and the destroyed padlock I told my sister and BIL that they now owed me $200.

Wow, victim blaming.

My sister and BIL went from being angry at their kids to making excuses for them, and then being angry at me for wanting that money back when I know they have three kids and a mortgage.

I said it was either that or I go to the police and press charges.

They told me to get out, and I said they have two days to decide how to pay me back before I go to the cops.

I got back everything else my nephews stole, machete and gas can included.

Though they’d already used the gas for something.

But over the next couple of days my sister and BIL were blowing up my phone with a ton of messages.

Both verbal and text.

At first they were calling me heartless because it was right after the holidays and they have three kids and a mortgage.

Then they started gaslighting me.

Then even threatening me.

And all of this would go in a repeating cycle.

My nephews chimed in from another cell phone and were sending me lots of messages of their own.

Which were more fake apologies and gaslighting.

My eldest nephew even sent me a picture of himself holding a soda can and giving me the middle finger.

So I guess they weren’t taking my threats of going to police seriously because “FAAAAMILY!”.

When I last spoke with my sister and BIL, they refused to negotiate any sort of method of repayment for what my nephews did.

Even when I suggested they just sell the video games that were purchased with the money from the cans.

Very entitled.

Then they had the audacity to say I’d actually tempted my nephews by having the cans in my shed to begin with.

Oh yes. I’m the devil snake that tempted my nephews with a shed full of cans that just screamed “MONEY MONEY MONEY!!”

So that was it.

I went to the police station that morning and filed the report.

Gave them a copy of the video footage of my nephews stealing from my shed.

I gave them the broken lock they smashed.

Showed them all of the texts, which were screen-shotted and also given as evidence.

I even gave them a copy of the photo my eldest nephew sent me of him flipping me off.

I did tell police that I found it worrisome that my nephews had taken the machete.

But they classified it as a tool.

Especially since they took a lot of other actual tools.

So fair enough on that I suppose.

But my nephews were indeed arrested on Saturday.

Good thing they are taking this seriously.

Police came to their house and my sister and BIL were forced to let them in because they had a warrant.

Apparently all three of my nephews went from being cocky little brats to crying like babies when they were being put in cuffs.

I know this because a neighbor I’m acquainted with that’s sort of friends with my sister was there to see it.

And shortly after the arrest my sister and BIL were blowing up my phone again.

They weren’t able to get their kids out of jail till Monday morning.

And now the boys are being charged with larceny, willful destruction of property/vandalism, and harassment.

The police took this whole case pretty seriously as there has been complaints about my nephews for some time.

But nothing was proven until now.

The past few months bags of cans have actually been going missing all over the area.

Don’t know if it was my nephews or not.

But they’re likely suspects.

And with word spreading of their arrest, let’s hope other neighbors with security cameras come forward with more footage.

My sister and BIL showed up at my house too.

They put their kids in this situation.

I refused to open the door and told them that this all happened because they are enablers who refuse to hold their kids accountable for their actions.

That made them just scream and pound on my door more till I threatened to call police on them too.

And since I’ve done it already, they know I mean it now.

So they left without any more trouble.

But they went back to blowing up my phone.

I didn’t block my sister or BIL.

Instead I decided to just save all of the messages they send me because I’ve made the decision to take them to small claims court over this.

I don’t really need or want the money, and have already replaced the destroyed padlock with a much better one.

However the kids aren’t the only ones who need to be taught a lesson.

In the end I hope I put them in enough of a hole that they learn not to mess with me ever again.

I also have the full support of my family on this.

My parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

They’re all supporting me in this because my nephews have stolen from them too.

And after banning my nephews from my house, some of them did the same.

Hard work will do them good.

I’m going to push for my nephews to get community service.

And the reason why isn’t just because it’s a good idea, but also because I know that they’ll hate that the most.

Whenever made to do any kind of work they don’t want to do, they just stand around griping and act like the whole world is against them.

So hardly anything ever gets done.

Perhaps a few hundred hours of unpaid work will teach them some manners.

They’ve been spoiled far too much.

It sounds like this is going to be good for those kids, they need discipline from somewhere.

Read on to see what the people in the comments have to say.

Yes, it absolutely serves them right.

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeopleSource: Reddit/EntitledPeople

Filing in small claims court is a good idea.

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeopleSource: Reddit/EntitledPeople

This might be the best thing for these kids.

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeopleSource: Reddit/EntitledPeople

This comment says that they could be charged for harassment too.

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeopleSource: Reddit/EntitledPeople

This person suggests that the boys have lazy parents.

Source: Reddit/EntitledPeopleSource: Reddit/EntitledPeople

Sometimes a severe punishment is what kids need most.

Tough love and all that.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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