An Employee Got Royally Jerked Around By Their Toxic Boss, So One Of Their Friends Goes Digging And Finds A Criminal Past That Lands Him In Hot Water » TwistedSifter

An Employee Got Royally Jerked Around By Their Toxic Boss, So One Of Their Friends Goes Digging And Finds A Criminal Past That Lands Him In Hot Water » TwistedSifter

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Yes, everyone has a past…

But most people don’t have a past like the fella you’re going to read about in this story from Reddit!

But don’t worry, he got what was coming to him in the end.

Check out what happened!

“I need to keep this somewhat vague to maintain anonymity.

And I wasn’t there for all of it, this mostly happened to my friend, who was one of the employees screwed over.

But I did what I could to help my friend get revenge.

Friend of mine was employed as a barista for a coffee shop with a couple of locations.

Well, the owner turned out to be a grade-A scumbag.

This sounds pretty bad.

Started paying the employees with bad checks, not giving them their tips if they were paid on a credit card (obviously he couldn’t steal their cash tips, not that he didn’t try), things along those lines.

He was, of course, stealing from the business to fund his own lavish lifestyle…

My friend was mad, and quit shortly after this nonsense started, and of course the business shortly went under….

But if that’s all that happened, this wouldn’t fit in ProRevenge….

Now, my friend was out a few thousand dollars.

I’m not sure exactly how much, but enough that it was a serious hit to their budget.

And they weren’t the only one.

This creep was the classic con-man, writing checks to cover the bad checks, all the delay tactics you ever see “Oh, the bank must have messed up, just redeposit it” and of course it comes back as a bad check a week or two later….

Lots of shady stuff. But he was a good con-man.

All told, eight people were getting screwed over to (I found out later) in excess of $20k….

So one afternoon, my friend is telling me this story.

How he’s so sick and tired of being conned by this creep, as well as everyone else.

Time to do some research.

And here is where the ProRevenge part begins to come into effect.

I start digging into the business owner.

All public record stuff, and some of it I learned from my friend, or their coworkers. But started to learn a *lot* about this scumbag….

He’s got multiple felonies in his past. I’m all for giving people a second chance, but this guy wasn’t that old, and had racked up easily a half dozen felonies (why he wasn’t still in jail is a topic for a much different forum).

One of his convictions was for being a felon in possession of a firearm.

He was currently on probation for the above conviction. (this is where things start getting interesting).

A little more light digging and I come up with the name of his probation officer.

When I sat and talked to my friend about what I had found out about his prior employer (2 cycles of bounced checks was enough) he happened to mention that he had seen firearms in his apartment (they’d hung out together socially before things went completely pear shaped).

He’d used his girlfriend to purchase firearms since he was a prohibited person (straw purchase, yet another felony).

So now is things get really interesting.

I put my friend in contact with scumbag’s probation officer.

Turns out when you are out on probation, there’s a *lot* of things you’re not allowed to do.


One of them is commit more felonies.

This is an automatic revocation of your probation and will land your happy little butt back in jail…

Oh, and knowingly passing bad checks in our state for the amount he was writing them for is a felony in and of itself.

8 employees, 3 payroll cycles (before the business officially went belly up)… 23 felony counts of passing a bad check (since my buddy bailed at 2 cycles)….

Repeat offense of being a felon in possession of a firearm.

As if that’s not bad enough, when his probation officer came a knockin’ to check on these allegations, he also found drug paraphernalia and drugs sufficient to get him for possession of controlled substances with intent to distribute.

Multiple different drugs, so multiple counts of that too.

For those keeping score at home, if he was convicted of all of these counts, he would be looking at roughly an additional 30 felonies….

Easily enough to keep him in jail for a *very* long time…

Now, if this were Petty Revenge… That’s where things would have stopped.

But no…

You see, the State has this fund that all employers pay a tax into.

It’s a fund for those situation where the company goes out of business, writes bad checks for their employees, etc.

And it’s administered by the State Labor Board.

So they pay out to cover the lost wages (but not the lost tips) of the employees. But the State is not benevolent in this, oh no.

You see, in order to attempt to recoup their losses, they can seize company assets.


And in the case of a poorly set up company with no separation of assets between the company and the owner?

They can also seize personal assets.

Oh yes. That shiny new “company” truck?

That you’re towing your shiny new boat with?

Guess what scumbag, they now belong to the state.

Your bank accounts? Yeah, those belong to the state now too.

Now surely, you must be thinking, surely this is now ProRevenge, right?

Oh no. You see, this scumbag messed with my friend.

And I don’t take kindly to that kind of nonsense.

You see, my friend learned throughout this process that on top of all this, his former employer was committing tax fraud/evasion.

As far as the employees were concerned, they were all straight up W4 employees, meaning he was withholding the correct taxes, payroll taxes, medicare taxes, etc.

Except he was reporting to the IRS that all of his employees were Independent Contractors.

And wasn’t actually withholding any taxes at all.

Taxes for the company?

He was fudging those so badly they should have been sold as brownies.

Oh, boy…

Unfortunately for scumbag…. A friend of a friend happened to work for the local IRS office.

And after sitting with him over drinks one evening, found out that the IRS has a tip line for reporting tax evasion.

And depending on how it’s reported, well, turns out that the person reporting the tax evasion may actually get a small percentage as a reward for turning in the tax cheat.

So on top of facing 30 some odd felony charges.

On top of having all his personal and company assets seized…

Scumbag now has the IRS chasing after him.

That, dear readers, is ProRevenge…”

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This viewer chimed in.

Source: Reddit/ProRevengeSource: Reddit/ProRevenge

Another individual nailed it.

Source: Reddit/ProRevengeSource: Reddit/ProRevenge

This Reddit user was impressed.

Source: Reddit/ProRevengeSource: Reddit/ProRevenge

Another person spoke up.

Source: Reddit/ProRevengeSource: Reddit/ProRevenge

And this Reddit user shared a story.

Source: Reddit/ProRevengeSource: Reddit/ProRevenge

This guy belongs in the slammer!

It sounds like that’s where he’s headed.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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