His Ex-Wife Kept Avoided Coming Back To Their Old Place Pick Up Her Car, So He Eventually Called A Tow Truck To Take Care Of The Problem » TwistedSifter

His Ex-Wife Kept Avoided Coming Back To Their Old Place Pick Up Her Car, So He Eventually Called A Tow Truck To Take Care Of The Problem » TwistedSifter

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His Ex-Wife Kept Avoided Coming Back To Their Old Place Pick Up Her Car, So He Eventually Called A Tow Truck To Take Care Of The Problem » TwistedSifterHis Ex-Wife Kept Avoided Coming Back To Their Old Place Pick Up Her Car, So He Eventually Called A Tow Truck To Take Care Of The Problem » TwistedSifter

In today’s story, an ex-husband shares how his ex-wife made his life horrible for the months leading up to their divorce.

After she finally left but failed to take her car, a neighbor helped him find the perfect way to get revenge.

And get a clean house in the process.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

Some details are vague because while I feel ready to share this story, I still have ptsd flashbacks and anxiety fears of her popping up on my doorstep.

Context that lead up to my petty revenge: This happened about 5 years ago.

My ex wife and I were married for about 2 years, together for 5. Things were declining in our relationship, badly.

Well, my ex found another partner, I’ll call the new partner, NP.

Instead of just leaving or starting divorce proceedings, they decided I needed to be the bad guy so they could ride off into the sunset or something.

His ex used his mental health against him.

I have mental health issues that I was actively seeing a therapist for.

I’m not saying she had to stay and deal with my mental health issues.

She gaslit, manipulated, and used my mental health against me.

A side effect of most of my mental disorders is poor short term memory.

She would regularly say things like that didn’t happen, or I was remembering something wrong.

My ex also had NP helping her as well.

It was hard to tell what was up from down.

They both were telling me I was a horrible person, and it was difficult to not believe it as it was already 2 vs 1 but they also would rope in mutual friends in as well.

Eventually, the ex broke with him and made him “snap.”

This caused me to spiral worse than I already was even though I was already in therapy to try to get better.

They put me down constantly, told me I was fat and unattractive, killing what little self esteem I had left.

My ex even told me one day that she had fallen out of love with me shortly after we got married.

Everything hurt so much.

Well like any beaten dog, eventually I snapped and lashed out after a fight with my ex.

It was one of the darkest moments of my life.

The ex wife left.

She declared we were done. She told me she was moving out shortly thereafter.

I was at rock bottom.

She moved out a month and a half later, and removed herself off the lease at the beginning on the following month.

My ex didn’t take everything with them despite the fact I didn’t fight them, it was her stuff.

More importantly she left behind a 12k paperweight of a car she was still making payments on.

She really needed to come get her broken down car.

Thankfully, at the time she got the car, I had seen how horrible the reviews were for that make and model; and I wanted nothing to do with it.

I refused to put my name on that vehicle.

I ended up being right.

It wasn’t even a year after she got it, the transmission was destroyed and there it sat in the driveway.

For some context, my landlord had a clause in our lease against broken down vehicles just sitting on the property, and the city did too.

So I kept asking her when she was going to come get it.

I got the run around.

She’d say would come get it then either went silent or pushed the day back.

My ex even tried to convince me to lie and say it was mine.

I flat told her no.

I didn’t want to wind up in trouble for having a broken down car that wasn’t even in my name.

He introduces us to A, a neighbor friend.

During this time, I ended up befriending a neighbor who was determined to dust me off and get me back up on my feet.

I’ll call her A.

Well between A and my therapist, they finally got through to me that I didn’t deserve any of this and that she needed to get her stuff already.

Now for the revenge: Weeks of going back and forth with her to come get her stuff, it was now over 30 days since my ex had been taken off the lease.

It was finally time for revenge…

The idea of her popping up whenever she wanted made me extremely anxious and I vented to A.

A pointed out that I could have the car towed.

I got an idea and we plotted!

I gathered up the last of her stuff from inside the house and put it inside the car and then called the non emergency # to report an abandoned car.

He had the car towed.

They sent someone out and got my info and some info off the car then put a sticker on it.

They said that the owner had 72hrs to remove it or I could remove it.

I warned my ex one last time that she needed to come get her car.


4 days go by and I still hadn’t gotten anything from her to make plans to come get this stupid broken down car.

Enough was enough. I called a tow company and had them come pick it up.

The best part was it was at her expense.

She would have to pay them when she finally decided to do something about the car.

I filmed and took pictures while the tow guy loaded it up and sent it to my ex, giggling like a maniac the whole time.

Once the car was gone I felt a sense of relief I hadn’t ever felt before.

My ex had zero legit reason to return to my house.

He now finally has peace.

My phone was blowing up within the hour from my ex, who suddenly had plans to remove the car (that she had neglected to fill me in on).

Now bombarding me with angry texts stating I was trying to ruin her life.

I told her that I wasn’t, that I had warned her repeatedly and she had ignored me and all I wanted was to be left alone.

If I was the bad guy, fine I accepted that.

I then blocked her and locked down all of my social media.

I felt like I could finally begin to heal and move on with my life!

Not going to lie, it felt good to get some payback for the last 10 months she had made my life hell.

I don’t know if his ex would’ve ever showed up to get her stuff.

It was a great idea to have the car and all of her stuff towed.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader has important advice.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another reader wouldn’t have told the ex he towed the car.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person would’ve wanted the ex to owe the tow company as much as possible.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Another person wouldn’t have wanted the ex to know he was responsible for towing the car.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Hopefully the ex doesn’t retaliate!

It’s probably best to just walk away clean.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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