Helping the homeless is a nice thing to do, but in today’s story, one person who occasionally gives the homeless a place to stay has a few ground rules.
When a homeless man tries to get around the rules to get some money back, this guy gets annoyed by the disrespect.
That’s where the revenge comes in, and the homeless man brings it on himself.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
I do a lot of work with the homeless.
My house is offered to many that I trust for a night when the weather is extreme.
We’ve had a few days of snow, lately and last night I got a call.
I have 2 rules for staying at my house,.
1. NO SUBSTANCES. 2. Respect me and my house, or lose both.
He picked up a man who needed a place to stay.
I have a couch with a pullout bed that’s always made and ready for whoever needs it.
Because of my first rule, not many take me up on my offer.
Last night I got a desperate call, so I got in my car at 9pm and drove an hour to pick him up.
He offered me gas money which was a huge help because I was on E (empty, gas tank)
When I picked him up, he told me he needed to get his backpack from a friend.
That’s common to leave things with others who have a car/shelter if you don’t.
An hour and a half later, his friend was talking too loud on the phone, and I hear he’s trying to get substances, not his ‘backpack’.
I told him that he knew my rules, and he wasn’t bringing substances in my car or my house.
So, he freaks out on me, slams my car, starts crying that he’s going to be out in the rain all night, saying I’m just like his abusive ex girlfriend, even going as far as to call me a ‘little Ashley’. (Names changed).
The man wants his gas money back.
He had sent me gas money via an app, but because he put in his password incorrect 4x, it held the funds for 24 hours.
I left, and he starts blowing up my phone demanding the $ back.
There was no money in my account because it was on a hold.
He saw that email when it happened, he was sitting right next to me.
The man filed a claim to try to get his money back.
So this morning, he starts threatening me, saying he’s going to claim fraud and ruin my account and my credit.
Obviously he doesn’t understand how this works, because he can do neither.
This morning I get an email saying he filed a claim, stating he didn’t receive the item.
He can only get his money back if the sale was done online, not just the payment.
An in person sale doesn’t qualify for a refund.
And it wasn’t a sale.
It’s going to take 21 days for the man to get his money back.
I don’t want a black mark on my account so I submitted our texts saying he was giving me gas money, and the explanation.
Now, instead of sending it back after the a 24 hour hold, he has to wait up to 21 days until the claim is settled.
Even then, it will go to my account.
I’ll send it back, but I shouldn’t because I still drove an hour to get him, waited an hour and a half, and he knew the rules before he even asked.
Have fun waiting 3 weeks.
If only he hadn’t broken rule number one he would’ve had a place to stay and wouldn’t have had an issue with the money.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
This reader suggests modifying the rules.
Another person doesn’t think there was any revenge in this story.
This person praises his good deeds.
Another person points out that “revenge” was all the homeless man’s fault.
This person wouldn’t give the homeless man his money back.
I really would be hesitant to give the man his money back.
He’ll probably just use it to buy substances.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.