When you’re just trying to deliver some holiday cheer, it’s easy to assume everyone will appreciate a kind gesture.
So, what would you do if a simple wish for happy holidays turned into a door slammed in your face?
Would you just assume the person was having a bad day and forget about it?
Or would you find a way to send a message loud and clear?
In the following story, a newspaper delivery worker ends up in this exact scenario.
Here’s what they did.
So this happened a week ago.
I deliver newspapers, and the week of Christmas, I hand the newspaper to people at the door to wish them well.
At this one house, I rang the doorbell.
It took them a few minutes to open the door, but eventually, a guy answered, so I started my usual line, “Hello, on behalf of [NEWSPAPER NAME]; I wish you well wishes and happy holidays.”
And I hand them the newspaper.
The person couldn’t have been more rude.
They looked at me for a few seconds, and then they said, “What is this?”
I said it was the newspaper. “I don’t need well wishes,” he said, giving it back.
Then he proceeded to slam the door closed.
The next time I was delivering newspapers, it had been raining a few minutes earlier.
So, as I walked into their front yard, I ‘accidentally’ dropped the newspaper in a puddle.
I picked it up, folded it, and shoved it through the door.
I don’t know what happened after that, but I hope it made a mess on the other side.
That person was a Grinch!
Let’s see how the folks over at Reddit relate to this situation.
This person sees right through their plan.
Here’s an excellent point!
Seriously – and that’s even rare these days.
Wow! Hopefully they didn’t have her class again after this.
The guy deserved a wet paper.
There’s an unspoken rule that you’re supposed to spread holiday cheer, not throw it back in someone’s face.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.