Shopper Tried To Give A Fellow Customer Advice About How To Tie Down Composite Decking, But The Guy Refused To Listen And Suffered The Consequences » TwistedSifter

Shopper Tried To Give A Fellow Customer Advice About How To Tie Down Composite Decking, But The Guy Refused To Listen And Suffered The Consequences » TwistedSifter

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Shopper Tried To Give A Fellow Customer Advice About How To Tie Down Composite Decking, But The Guy Refused To Listen And Suffered The Consequences » TwistedSifterShopper Tried To Give A Fellow Customer Advice About How To Tie Down Composite Decking, But The Guy Refused To Listen And Suffered The Consequences » TwistedSifter

In today’s story, a complete stranger tries to do the right thing and help someone who just bought thousands of dollars worth of composite decking.

The problem is that the guy with the decking refuses to listen to the well intentioned advice and ends up with a costly mess.

You’re going to want the details on this one.

A few years ago I pulled into a lumber yard parking lot on my way to pick up a super small item.

As I was walking through the parking lot on the way to the store, I saw this guy tying about three thousand dollars worth of composite decking into the top of his truck rack.

Now, if you know anything about composite decking you know that it is expensive, heavy and SUPER slick (especially when multiple boards are together).

He warned the guy about the potential problem.

This guy was using a rope to tie this down.

Now, don’t get me wrong….ropes are great and there are some awesome knots out there…and this guy could have used all of them

But rope simply wasn’t going to cut it, no matter what fancy knots he knew.

On my way in, I politely told the guy “Hey, just so you know those are REALLY slippery when stacked. A rope isn’t going to cut it. You REALLY need to get a couple of ratchet straps for that.”

“Don’t worry, I got it,” he replied in the most smug way he could muster.

Okay, his issue…so I went to buy my thing.

He was right, and the guy was very, very wrong.

Well, since it was only one thing, I was back in my truck in three minutes, and it turns out I was behind this guy leaving the driveway.

As the front of his truck dipped into the gutter, three thousand dollars worth of expensive composite decking slides right off of the top of his truck, completely obliterates his hood and fans out across the boulevard.

As I drove past, I honked, smiled and waved.

After all…I normally would have jumped out and helped him reload, but he clearly wanted me to mind my own business….so I did.

The guy with the decking probably really regretted not taking his advice.

I guess some people have to learn the hard way.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted…

This reader loves this story.

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Another reader decided to have decking delivered.

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

This reader shares a similar story.

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Another reader shares a tragic story that happened when a log came loose from a truck.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This person shares another tragic story.

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

At least nobody got hurt in this story!

But I bet that guy felt pretty stupid.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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