Her Coworker Brought A Dog To The Office, But When She Said That The Dog Isn’t Allowed Unless It’s A Service Dog, They Got Upset » TwistedSifter

Her Coworker Brought A Dog To The Office, But When She Said That The Dog Isn’t Allowed Unless It’s A Service Dog, They Got Upset » TwistedSifter

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Her Coworker Brought A Dog To The Office, But When She Said That The Dog Isn’t Allowed Unless It’s A Service Dog, They Got Upset » TwistedSifterHer Coworker Brought A Dog To The Office, But When She Said That The Dog Isn’t Allowed Unless It’s A Service Dog, They Got Upset » TwistedSifter

Dogs can certainly make great pets, and they can also be very helpful as service animals.

That said, untrained animals should not be welcomed in every situation.

What would you do if your coworker brought in their pet dog to the office and then got upset when she was asked to leave?

That is what happened to the woman in this story, and her coworkers are not happy about it.

Check it out.

Today at the office, a woman walked in with a fairly big dog who did not seem well-trained.

It was very obviously pulling on the leash and kept trying to approach people.

I expressed my doubts that this dog was a service animal.

Good job for bringing it up.

Seeing as this was the office, where pets are not allowed, that meant I expressed my doubts this dog was even allowed to be in there.

I didn’t make a problem of it, I didn’t go over to the reception to report it or anything, I simply mentioned it.

A coworker heard me and mentioned that she had also brought in a dog last week because it couldn’t be left alone, and that she was sent out of the building.

If it isn’t a true service animal, it shouldn’t be allowed.

I told her non-service animals didn’t belong there, so if she truly brought in a dog, that it was justified that they sent her away.

She seemed to get annoyed and retorted that the dog hadn’t hurt anyone and if she was expected to be at the office, she didn’t really have a choice.

Let me just say that I don’t dislike animals- but I hate people who act entitled to bring their animals everywhere.

I’m allergic to some animals as well.

I have an allergy for dogs.

Fortunately it’s pretty mild, so as long as it’s just a couple of hours I’m alright, might have a bit of itchy eyes but nothing else.

I do also know someone who is allergic enough she couldn’t even visit friends who have pets, because she would get breathing issues already.

So I responded that the responsibility of the dog was hers and that there are people who are bothered by dogs.

Exactly, people shouldn’t be forced to be around your dog.

Either because of allergies, or fear, or whatever other reason they might have.

Those people are expected at the office too, and that her desire to have a dog shouldn’t negatively impact people who are just going to work.

She was cold all day after that and several of my colleagues told me I should lighten up and that dogs can liven up a place.

Considering dogs aren’t allowed anyway and it’s a moot point, I’m wondering, AITA for telling her it was justified she was sent home after taking her dog with her.


She did absolutely nothing wrong, dogs are not welcome in every area, especially the workplace.

Let’s see if the people in the comments agree.

Here is someone who is very allergic.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This commenter makes a great point.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Not a service dog, not welcome.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This person says some dog owners are the worst.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This person is terrified of dogs.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Some dog owners are just so inconsiderate.

They give the rest of us a bad name.

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