There are people who fold their laundry right away, and then there are people who leave it in a laundry basket indefinitely.
In today’s story, a dad likes to leave his socks in the dryer for days on end.
The problem is that other people in the family need to do their laundry too, but the dad doesn’t want anyone touching his socks.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
I, (17F) needed to do laundry today because I was almost out of clean clothes.
In my family, everyone does their own laundry whenever they need; we don’t have a schedule or anything.
I was home alone because my dad (48M) was at work, and would be for a couple more hours.
Before I moved my clothes to the dryer, I noticed my dad’s socks were in the dryer still.
They were clean and dry, he just always leaves them in there for days on end before putting them away or moving them.
I needed to use the dryer obviously, so I moved the socks to his laundry basket approximately three inches away.
My dad is VERY particular about his socks, so I made sure they all were out of the dryer before putting my clothes in.
(Our dryer isn’t some vast abyss, so it wasn’t hard to verify they were all out)
Her dad was furious.
When my dad got home, I found him frantic in the laundry room sorting through his socks.
He starts yelling at me that he’s told me not to touch his socks, and now one’s missing, and they cost $25 a pair.
(They aren’t special medical socks or anything, he just really likes high quality socks. To each their own.)
This is all my fault.
I calmly explained to him that I checked the dryer and I made sure they were all out before I put my clothes in.
Her dad wishes she hadn’t touched his socks.
Then he says that I should have left my wet clothes in the washer until he got home and could move his socks himself.
This sounded slightly insane to me.
I ask if there’s a chance he forgot to put one in the machine, but no, of course he couldn’t have made a mistake, it had to be me.
She thinks her dad is being selfish.
The sock is currently still missing, and he’s very angry at me.
I know his socks are really important to him, and it’s his house, and he’s told me before not to touch them.
But I feel like it might be a little selfish to leave your clean, dry, socks in the dryer other people use for days and days after they’re done, but then get upset when other people need to move them to use the dryer.
Maybe this is a hard lesson for the dad to get his socks out of the dryer right away next time.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader thinks the dad is to blame.
Another reader called the dad “irrational.”
Here’s a gift idea the dad might appreciate.
This person called the dad “selfish.”
This comment is funny because it’s true…
The dad is seriously overreacting about the socks.
She’s going to be thrilled to move out one day.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.