When it comes to paying for services, unexpected charges can be a real frustration, especially when they weren’t discussed upfront.
So, what do you do when a moving company charges you for two hours of work that only took 20 minutes?
Would you just pay it and move on?
Or would you make sure to get what you paid for?
In today’s story, one person finds themselves in this exact situation and gets creative.
Here’s what happened.
This just happened today, so I’m still worked up over it.
I booked a moving company to move 3 items: two medium-sized dressers and one foam mattress.
The move was 2k in distance, and I requested two movers and a big truck.
Messaging back and forth with the owner, he offered me a “spot for 12-1 pm,” which I accepted.
The movers finished moving everything out of my place and into their truck after just 20 minutes.
They then inform me that there is a minimum 2-hour charge.
The owner was no help, so he found a way to get his money’s worth.
They told me to call the owner, who simply said if I wanted my things moved to my new place, I had to pay for two hours.
I was livid; my price had just doubled, and I still only had an hour of labor.
My malicious compliance?
Okay, Mr. Owner Man, if you want to charge me for two hours, then I get two hours of their time.
I then got the movers (two university students) to sit down in the shade and enjoy an hour-long break. 🙂
Too funny! Hopefully, the owner didn’t find out.
Let’s see how the folks over at Reddit relate to this story.
The owner definitely should’ve disclosed the charge.
Good point, but hope it’s not true.
This is a great question!
Here’s someone who knows how it works.
Good for him!
Not only did the owner deserve that, but there’s no doubt the movers enjoyed their well-deserved break.
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.