Next Door Neighbor Caused Multiple Problems, So They Used Her Eavesdropping Habit To Convince Her To Cut Down A Tree » TwistedSifter

Next Door Neighbor Caused Multiple Problems, So They Used Her Eavesdropping Habit To Convince Her To Cut Down A Tree » TwistedSifter

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Next Door Neighbor Caused Multiple Problems, So They Used Her Eavesdropping Habit To Convince Her To Cut Down A Tree » TwistedSifterNext Door Neighbor Caused Multiple Problems, So They Used Her Eavesdropping Habit To Convince Her To Cut Down A Tree » TwistedSifter

It’s not nice to spy on your neighbors, but in today’s story, one neighbor uses the next door neighbor’s bad habit of eavesdropping against her.

The neighbor believes lies she hears over the fence and ends up getting revenge on herself when she thinks she’s getting revenge.

Between bird poop, berries and wine, this revenge is sweet!

Let’s see how the story plays out…

My neighbour is an idiot and we have been having issues with her from the start.

(6 hour relentless dog barking four days a week for years, yelling at me for stealing water flowing downhill, dead rabbit on the doorstep, the usual property line arguments, emptying her toxic hot tub onto our property, lying by the hedges to spy on us, parties, noise, etc, ad naseum.)

Just run of the mill bad neighbour stuff.

Eventually we built a giant fence and it has kept the nonsense to a minimum.

Both neighbors have lots of trees.

Both yards have plenty of mature trees.

We have 3 maples over 150 yrs old and a nearly 100 yr old birch, a 12 foot cedar hedge; add that to the giant fence and daylight is at a minimum in our backyard in the summer.

Idiot neighbour had 2 century old trees and a very mature mulberry tree that hung over the fence in the only area that enjoys direct sunlight.

Now, this part is entirely our fault: One spring we built a patio there – with light grey stone.

The mulberry tree has dark purple fruit and her’s is extremely prolific.

The week construction was finished was the week the berries ripened and began to drop in the slightest breeze.

It was impossible to use the patio in the summer because of the berries.

Sitting out there for any length of time and you would be pelted with berries leaving purple stains like you were shot with a paintball and sweeping a path was the only way to not step on them.

If this only lasted for a few weeks it would be tolerable but mulberries are in season all summer.

The amount of birds that feasted on the fruit and promptly deposited bright purple bird poop on everything we owned outside was unbelievable.

Purple bird poop drip dried everywhere on the patio and beyond.

We started putting tarps over the entire patio to collect the bird dung coated berries and emptying them into a bucket every time we wanted to use the patio.

She lied about mulberry wine while the neighbor was eavesdropping.

Remembering our neighbours penchant for eaves dropping, I began to talk about mulberry wine.

About how good my mulberry wine was and how this year’s bumper crop of mulberries was going to make so much wine and how we were going to go on vacation with all the money I was making from selling my mulberry moonshine.

Visitors joined in the act, claiming they could not wait for their allotment of my fabulous mulberry wine and offering bribes to be moved up the list.

I do not make mulberry wine, never have and would not start with mulberry-bird poop wine.

The neighbor cut down the mulberry tree.

One rainy early summer night I heard and felt a tremendous crash.

I ran into the backyard – the largest limb from the mulberry tree was lying in my backyard.

A chainsaw was sputtering on the other side of my giant fence – the mulberry tree was coming down – at night – in a rainstorm (more evidence of her idiocy).

There was a bit of yelling back and forth through the fence – me about her being a dangerous moron and her to me about having a nice vacation without having mulberry wine to sell.

She continued to cut down the whole tree instead of just the limbs hanging over our property.

The neighbor was left treeless.

I laughed myself into the house, not quite believing my ruse worked so well and revenge was finally mine but that poor tree died needlessly.

Barely a month later a viscous storm blew through our area, splitting one of her mature trees in half and damaging the other so badly it had to be removed.

Now the idiot has no trees but all mine are still standing.

It’s too bad the mulberry tree was an innocent victim in this story, but it sounds like the neighbor deserved the revenge.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…

OP could keep lying about the mulberry wine.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

She could pretend the berries came from somewhere else.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader loved the revenge.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This person has first hand experience with mulberry trees.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Perhaps the neighbor committed a crime.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Now I want to try mulberry wine!

I hear it’s delicious.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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