Who knew dogs were capable of petty revenge!
In today’s story, one guy’s sister’s dog got horrible revenge on her!
Find out what happened.
One of our childhood dogs, Biscuit, got my sister back good once.
My sister towel-whopped her on the butt one night and got her good – poor pup raced off with an almighty yelp.
Later, my sister was apologising to her, giving her sides a good rub, with Biscuit standing between her legs.
This is where the dog saw an opportunity!
While my sister was bent over her, face right in the line of fire, Biscuit unleashed her revenge – silent but oh so deadly and stinky.
My sister reeled back, coughing, “Oh my god,” while the dog stood there with her tail wagging and a grin on her fuzzy face.
I miss that pup 😂💛
That’s funny! Dogs can be really smart!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.
This user appreciates the puppy’s intelligence!
This user hopes this guy appreciated the dog for being a smarty!
This user loves this dog story!
This user is reminded of a famous dog!
This user thinks its awesome that the aunt trained the dog!
Everyone loves a good pet story!
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