Yikes…the folks who got some revenge exacted on them in this story from Reddit had some serious karma coming their way…
And they won’t soon make this mistake again!
Check out this story from Reddit and see how it all went down!
Here you go…
“This story mainly revolves around a friend (K) of mine and a (former) friend (J) of his. K’s sister, C, was also involved.
I played a very minor role.
K as a person is a great individual.
Extremely smart, aces every test, loves history/politics/economics.
He is the self classified nerd of the grade with an ace in every subject.
This kid was going places!
Contrary to popular belief, he was not bullied for this.
In fact, due to his generosity and intelligence, many had already pegged him as going far in life.
J was also along similar lines, but was very eccentric.
Still, both were nearly inseparable and were great friends.
The two of them loved talking part in History Bowls and academic competitions of any kind.
Over the years, the schools cabinet had begun to teem with their accomplishments.
However, after a History Bowl both of them attended together, their relationship started to fray.
While they had come in third as a team, K had come in 1st under individual rankings while J came in a distant 7th.
Both positions received a trophy, so in total they received three trophies (one for the team, one for 1st place and one for 7th place).
As a courtesy, seeing the J could had no space for the trophy that day, K offered to take it back with him, and return it during school.
J obliged.
Our school usually honours students who win outside events by calling them up on stage in front of the whole school and getting the director and HOS (head of school) to present the award to the students.
What a guy…
As such, they did the same for K and J.
However, on that day, J had an exam he had to be in, and as such, missed out on the presentation.
K received the awards on behalf of both of them, and specifically took the microphone to mention that J was a team member as well, in case anybody felt that all the awards belong to K only.
But, when J heard what happened, he was furious.
He felt that the presentation should have been postponed and felt that K was doing it on purpose.
He felt even more verified in his theory when K forgot to bring the trophies on another day in order to return J’s back to him.
(K is like that all the time, its something we all like as it adds a bit of character to a person in a world where everyone strives to be perfect, but clearly J does not).
Uh oh…
He went full on atomic on K, calling him all sorts of names and effectively throwing their friendship into the bin.
K felt hurt, but thought that was the end of it.
No, that WASN’T the end of it.
J went around slandering K’s name behind him.
As a school, we all knew K well, so really didn’t take anything seriously.
J got really mad, and started making Facebook posts, messaging K’s professor friends to slander his name further.
K’s older sister, C, got wind of this. She turned red with fury.
She was School President and felt it was her duty to protect the students, but if somebody messes with her brother, god save them.
And that’s what she did.
She cornered J one day and let him know in not so pleasant terms that he is messing with the wrong person and to stay away.
For some reason, J suddenly took this to another level.
His mom and him went to the police the next day and lodged a report against K, C and their parents for slander and harassment.
This was getting ugly.
Then, J’s mom proceeded to call K’s mom and go Godzilla on her, boasting about how she is going to go to jail and that “she is going to regret creating her two kids.”
Luckily, we live in a single consent state, and I guess you know where this is going.
But, guess what the police did?
They threw the case out. They cited a lack of evidence for the case and threw it out.
You would think this would be the end of it, but no, we keep going.
J and his mom were properly mad at this point.
Nothing was going according to their plan.
So they kept with the slander campaign, ramping up efforts on Facebook. I have no idea what they were thinking.
While this was going on, J was running up trouble with the school’s administration as well.
You see, J was in the grade above us, and was in the midst of applying to universities.
As part of his application, he needed a school code to verify the application.
But the school was delaying the handoff of this code.
J had been severely abusing his mother’s influence and connections to bend the school administration backwards, giving him better predicted grades which would be sent to the universities.
The teachers were upset at this, as they had spent countless evenings doing the predicted grades for all the students in the cohort.
And here was a kid abusing his influence so that he could get an unfair advantage over others.
Understandably, therefore, they delayed the handoff.
These people were crazy!
J got even more angry.
CC’ing his mother in the email, as well the director and HOS, he sent three scathing emails to the Curriculum and Course Co-ordinator of the school, calling her “jerk” who was too interested in “serving others” and wanted “him to croak”, even though she had never mentioned this.
This was too much for the school, who struck him off the roll of graduates and blocked all contact with him, never sending him the code.
This was in March, which will be pertinent later.
It is important to note that except for J and the school administration, nobody had any idea that J was off the graduations.
When graduation rolled around in August, and he was not there, we were surprised but relieved, as we thought that this would be the end of it.
Fast forward a few months to November, and I was scrolling through Facebook when I saw J had made a post with screenshots of the emails he sent to the administrator.
In the post, he was gloating about how he had played the administrator.
By apologising to the administrator a month after sending those emails, and how they replied back with the code to get him out of their hair.
And how he has the upper hand now and had got into university (he mentioned which but I won’t post it) and wanted the world “to see the school as it really is”.
What he did not count on was me seeing it, and K’s inactive second Facebook account which was still friends with J. I quickly let K know, and screenshot the emails incase K needed it later.
K did the same, after which he posted on the account that he was deactivating it because there was spam on it.
J must have seen this post, because less than two minutes after, his own post was deleted.
But this is not where it ends. K wanted to take revenge for the months of abuse and psychological harm his family and him underwent.
It was payback time!
Thus, with my help, we collated the evidence, including the phone call and screenshots of the email, as well as screenshots of the other posts he made.
I am not sure on this part as I was not involved here, K sent the email to the university he was enrolled in, and to the school.
This was the last straw for the school, who proceeded to officially expel him, and then sent the details of the whole incident to all universities they were partnered with and have contact with to which he had applied, leading to them cancelling his application to their universities.
Last we heard (we all blocked him afterwards) he knew it was us, but had no evidence to prove this.
His offer from the university was retracted, and he has been unable to apply to any university in Europe and US.”
And here’s how folks reacted on Reddit.
This reader chimed in.
Another individual shared their thoughts.
This reader spoke up.
Another reader had a lot to say.
This kid and his mom needed a serious wake-up call…
This is so totally over-the-top.
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