Upstairs Neighbor Is Noisy And When Asked To Tone It Down He Threatened Them, But A Quick Google Search On The Powerful Tenants Below Him Put Him In His Place » TwistedSifter

Upstairs Neighbor Is Noisy And When Asked To Tone It Down He Threatened Them, But A Quick Google Search On The Powerful Tenants Below Him Put Him In His Place » TwistedSifter

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Upstairs Neighbor Is Noisy And When Asked To Tone It Down He Threatened Them, But A Quick Google Search On The Powerful Tenants Below Him Put Him In His Place » TwistedSifterUpstairs Neighbor Is Noisy And When Asked To Tone It Down He Threatened Them, But A Quick Google Search On The Powerful Tenants Below Him Put Him In His Place » TwistedSifter

Living below noisy neighbors is one thing, but living beneath a family that treated their apartment like a basketball court was a whole new level of frustration.

Little did these tenants’ neighbors know, their incessant ball-bouncing was about to bring them face-to-face with someone they really didn’t want to mess with.

Read on for the full story!

So, a couple years ago, my family and I lived in an apartment complex.

The son of the family would play basketball all the time in their apartment, which caused large amounts of noise for us.

They gave their upstairs neighbors the benefit of the doubt at first.

We kind of figured they didn’t realize how much noise a basketball could make.

So my father went up one day, knocked on the door, and politely asked if they could stop their child from playing basketball in the apartment.

But their neighbors didn’t afford them the same kindness.

He was answered by the mother of the family, who, after hearing what he wanted, slammed the door in his face after screaming at him and warning him that he did not want to meet her husband.

So my father gives up on the whole thing.

They can’t bear the noise much longer, so they try their luck again.

But the noise continues to persist, and my mother eventually grows tired of it.

Along with my little brother, she goes upstairs and knocks on the door.

They’re definitely not any nicer this time around.

She is answered by the husband, who, after hearing what she wants, proceeds to threaten her.

This time, the threats escalate.

“You do not want to mess with me, you silly woman. I will mess you up. I will break your back. I will break your husband’s back. I will break you. Do you not know who I am? I can ruin your life with just a few words. Never come up here again.”

He then proceeded to slam the door in their faces.

The mother responds to this surprisingly well.

To my little brother’s surprise, my mother’s only reactions were, “I see, I understand, of course.”

My little brother wanted to defend my mother and take this punk down a notch for insulting her.

She decided to take a more measured approach with her revenge.

Instead, my mother simply went back down to our apartment and called the landlords.

“My upstairs neighbor has just threatened the lives and health of myself and my family. I no longer feel safe with him up there.”

Luckily, the landlord took their complaint seriously.

I’m not exactly sure what happened next, but my brothers and I believe it went somewhat like this.

Basically, the landlord calls the jerk neighbor and talks to him.

He had a choice word or two for the noisy, aggressive upstairs neighbors.

“Are you crazy, you can’t go around threatening people. If you continue, we’ll literally have to knock you out of this complex. And I suggest you Google the mother sometime.”

Why is this?

It turns out, the mother was not simply some demure, doormat neighbor.

Because even though the neighbor saw himself as some big shot, it turns out he was only a big fish in a small pond or a partner in a small law firm.

My mother is one of the most powerful partners in a very powerful law firm.

If she had wanted to, she really could have made sure that he never worked again.

This discovery totally changed the upstairs neighbor’s attitude.

Needless to say, after Googling her, the next time he saw her, he was completely in, “I’m so sorry, please forgive me, I’m so sorry, please forgive me,” mode.

We were never bothered by bouncing basketballs ever again.

The noise finally vanished and so did the neighbor’s arrogance.

What did Reddit think?

Mom gets some serious kudos for this revenge.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This commenter would have thought a lawyer of her caliber would have been able to afford nicer accommodations.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This commenter doesn’t think the mom should have gone so easy on him.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

These neighbors bounced around and found out.

A simple Google search was all it took to settle the score and the noise.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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