Female Driver Tailgates His Bumper And Makes Him Uncomfortable, So He Made Sure She Couldn’t Pass And Got Stuck Behind A Semi-Trailer » TwistedSifter

Female Driver Tailgates His Bumper And Makes Him Uncomfortable, So He Made Sure She Couldn’t Pass And Got Stuck Behind A Semi-Trailer » TwistedSifter

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Female Driver Tailgates His Bumper And Makes Him Uncomfortable, So He Made Sure She Couldn’t Pass And Got Stuck Behind A Semi-Trailer » TwistedSifterFemale Driver Tailgates His Bumper And Makes Him Uncomfortable, So He Made Sure She Couldn’t Pass And Got Stuck Behind A Semi-Trailer » TwistedSifter

People can be rude and inconsiderate on the road.

This man shares an experience where a female driver behind him tailgated him, making him uncomfortable.

So, in the passing zone, he drove beside a semi-trailer without giving her the chance to overtake.

Read the story below for the full details.

This happened today on my way home.

I was driving down a two-lane highway (one lane each direction) with a 65 mph speed limit.

Up ahead was a semi, followed by two cars, a pickup, then me.

This man noticed a lady driving a minivan behind him.

I noticed Mrs. Jerk come up behind me in a white minivan, getting closer than she needed to.

She was starting to make me uncomfortable.

It became obvious she wanted to go faster, but due to oncoming traffic, she couldn’t pass.

He was planning to overtake all the vehicles in front of him.

Up ahead, there is a passing zone about 2 miles long.

This highway has them every so often to allow faster cars to overtake slower ones (often semis).

I started to speed up closer to the pickup in anticipation of passing some of the vehicles in front.

The semi, two cars. and pickup all pulled into the slow lane and I sped up closer to 80 mph to get past them all.

Even the lady driver behind sped up, as well.

Mrs. Jerk sped up as well, and got right up on my bumper—maybe 5 feet behind me.

In obvious anticipation of passing everyone (including me).

Cue petty revenge.

He drove beside the semi and didn’t cut it off.

Did I mention the passing zone was about 2 miles long?

As I passed the pickup and two cars, and got closer to passing the semi, I thought to myself…

“The passing zone will soon be ending and, you know, I wouldn’t want to cut off the semi, so I should hang back and be polite.

And let the semi merge back into the travel lane.”

The lady driver behind him was feeling a bit frustrated.

So I hung back, close to the semi’s bumper, but in the travel lane.

Mrs. Jerk threw up her hands behind me in obvious consternation that I wasn’t passing the semi.

But you know, safety first?

He had to give way as his intersection was nearing.

Semi pulls into the travel lane ahead of me, and I can almost see the steam coming out of her ears.

She’s still right on my bumper, but my intersection is just a mile or two down the road, so I’ll put up with it.

I turn off, and she passes me and gets behind the semi.

But the rude lady driver was stuck at the back of the semi.

The best part? This semi was going 60 miles an hour and she had at least 5 miles to go before the next passing zone.

Don’t be a jerk.

That’s hilarious.

Let’s see what others have to say about this.

This user shares a short but sensible opinion.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Meanwhile, this one shares an emergency story.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Here’s an honest advice.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This one says they do the same thing.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Stay safe out there, says this user.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Passive aggressive driving serves the ego, not the road.

Safety first, people!

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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