Everyone has different ideas of safety, especially first-time homeowners.
But when one new homeowner sets up a series of CCTV cameras, she receives backlash from her neighbors who begin to feel surveilled.
Read on for the full story!
Around four months ago, I (26F) purchased my first home which is located in a quiet cul-de-sac and five minutes away from town.
Whilst speaking to my new neighbours, they were talking about how safe this area is and that a crime has never been committed in this area.
But she still felt like her property could use a few safeguards.
Whilst walking around the cul-de-sac, I realised there’s no CCTV cameras anywhere and it didn’t make me feel particularly comfortable as a first time buyer.
I bought some CCTV cameras and installed one outside the front just above my door which only covers the entrance to my property, one in the back garden which covers the garden. I also invested in a ring doorbell camera because I’m always out and hardly ever in.
Her neighbors weren’t pleased with her decision, but she tried to assuage their concerns.
A couple of days ago, my neighbours came round and asked to chat and said the neighbours aren’t happy with the fact I installed the CCTV cameras as they feel like they’re being watched.
I apologised to my neighbour and explained the CCTV is there to protect my property and I showed her the footage view on my phone to show it only covers my property.
I also explained that the ring doorbell is only used when obviously there’s visitors and I may be out.
Her family took her neighbors’ side, saying it wasn’t her place to intrude on the neighborhood.
I spoke to my sister about this and she said her view is I’m an AH because I installed CCTV cameras in a relatively safe area.
This first-time homeowner is left wondering whether her peace of mind is worth the discomfort of those around her.
Redditors weigh in on the situation.
Every neighborhood is “safe” until something happens.
In the event of the unforeseen, her neighbors may actually end up thanking her for her preparedness.
That very situation is exactly what happened to this commenter.
“Safe” isn’t an excuse to get complacent.
It’s clear to these redditors that this homeowner didn’t have any ill intent.
She was simply doing her due diligence as a homeowner. A little preparation goes a long way.
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