Sibling drama at its finest: one sister never meets her nephews, but suddenly expects unbridled excitement about her own pregnancy.
The other sister is torn between celebrating a new family member and resenting the lack of interest in her kids.
Can past hurt be ignored, or is it too late for reconciliation?
Check it out and see what you think!
My sister (29F) and I (26F) have always had a troubled relationship and have never seen eye to eye.
However we do love each other and would hang out and get along as best as we could when we were younger.
The problems all started when I got married to my husband (30M) five years ago and had two children shortly after.
Throughout my pregnancy my sister didn’t bother to check on me and completely took herself out of my life.
I just assumed she was jealous or had some type of issue with me being pregnant.
I was not prepared for what would happen after my first son (3M) was born.
She asked me for a picture of him shortly after he was born when we had not spoken the whole time I had been pregnant.
I thought that maybe this was a turning point for us and we could finally get along.
Nothing rebuilds sibling bonds like using your nephew as a social media flex.
I was very wrong.
She has never met either of my sons.
I have offered to bring them to see her numerous times but there was always an excuse.
She never asked me how they were doing or showed any interest in them.
My sister has even boasted about other kids that are her friends children but seems to hate her own nephews.
I am so confused.
The problem has now got even more complicated now that she has announced she is pregnant.
I am happy for her but I am still hurt with how she has treated my children and how she treated me during my pregnancy.
My mum (65F) says I’m being selfish and to just let it go and be excited for her but I’m finding it difficult.
I am super excited for her to be a mum but I can’t just forget how she treated me.
I want to have a relationship with my niece or nephew but I also don’t know how possible that would be.
Your kids don’t exist, but hers are miracle material.
I have reached out to my sister to resolve the issues we have but she is genuinely not interested in resolving anything.
She has only got in contact because she is now pregnant.
Also my mum has tried to talk to her but she isn’t interested and doesn’t give her a reason why she doesn’t want to see my kids either.
I do think it’s important to note that my mum wasn’t happy about my pregnancies either and has not made an effort either.
I was 23 when I had my first baby and my mum thought I was too young and refused to be supportive through my pregnancy and did it again with my second.
A little bit more context I am a people pleaser I have always just apologised and let things slide in the past even if they really hurt me.
Reddit had plenty to say about where the line between setting boundaries and letting go should be drawn.
This person says Sis is a huge narcissist.
This person says it’s just excuses, excuses.
This person says abbbbsolutely not.
Selective enthusiasm: her kid’s a blessing, yours are just background noise.
This woman sounds like a nightmare sibling.
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