Hosting a holiday meal for a big family takes a lot of work. It can be expensive and time consuming to cook for a big family, and then there’s the clean up it takes before and after the holiday celebration.
In today’s story, family members take turns hosting holiday celebrations for the whole family, but one family member always has an excuse ready about why she can’t host. She pushed her mom too far with the most recent excuse.
Let’s see why there’s so much drama around hosting Thanksgiving dinner…
In our family, holidays are rotated, so one person hosts the Fourth of July, another hosts Christmas, and another hosts Thanksgiving etc.. This way, no one is constantly hosting, and it makes it fair for everyone.
This post is about my middle daughter, Clara.
Clara has always been skipping her host duties. When it gets to her she has an excuse why she can’t host. It ranges but usually goes along the lines of stress or she is too busy.
Most recently, Clara didn’t host Easter.
This results in other family members to pick up her holiday.
It is frustrating and multiple people have talked to her about this.
She bailed on hosting Easter but promised me that she would do Thanksgiving.
We swapped holidays.
Fast forward to Thanksgiving…
At the time, I made it very clear she needed to stay true to her word and if she dumped it on someone else she wouldn’t be going to Thanksgiving.
It usually gets dumped on me.
Anyway, I called her asking if she wanted me to bring a dessert board for Thanksgiving.
Now Clara has another excuse…
She told me that she could not host because she had just moved into her home (she moved in July), and it was too messy to host.
I told her she could clean since it was a few weeks away.
She told me she can’t.
OP is hosting Thanksgiving.
I know the other kids can’t host it, (well one could but she is doing Christmas and its not fair at all for her).
I informed everyone it would be at my place this year.
I also informed everyone that Clara is not invited this year to Thanksgiving.
Her family is split about whether or not Clara should be invited to Thanksgiving.
Clara was pissed when I told her that, and we got into a huge argument.
She thinks I am a big jerk.
My other kids are split, two of them are happy since they are tired of picking up her slack when this happens while others think this is too far.
So outside opinion.
It sounds like this might be the wake up call Clara needs. She could tell Clara that if she wants to attend Thanksgiving, she can host it like she promised she would.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader doesn’t like the hosting rotation idea.
Another reader is on OP’s side.
This person thinks the mom has her priorities messed up.
Another reader thinks OP is being petty.
It seems that most readers don’t like the host rotation schedule.
It might be time to rethink the hosting schedule idea.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.