Earlier this week, Bhad Bhabie hopped online to announce that she’s officially single. She didn’t stop there, however, as she went on to share some damning details about her split from Le Vaughn. According to her, Alabama Barker allegedly swooped in and stole him, and only did so because he’s the father of Bhad Bhabie’s child. “@alabamaluellabarker took my man 🫠🥊,” she wrote. “I told Lv [Le Vaughn] next time I catch you. You gone b with them!”
Barker didn’t waste any time firing back by denying Bhad Bhabie’s accusations and placing the blame on Le Vaughn. She insists she wasn’t aware of his relationship with Bhad Bhabie, and that he continuously tried to pursue her despite it. She even alleges that last year, Le Vaughn threw a bottle at her during a trip to Vegas with friends, unveiling a photo of her shocking injuries. “His behavior was not only reckless but also deeply concerning,” Barker explained. “It’s troubling to see that despite his actions, [Bhad Bhabie] continues to defend him even after I had told her what he had done.”
Le Vaughn Accuses Alabama Barker Of Lying
For those who don’t recall, Bhad Bhabie exposed Le Vaughn for alleged abuse earlier this year, sharing upsetting footage of a domestic dispute between them. They later reconciled, leaving her supporters worried. While it appears as though both she and Barker could have allegedly seen this violent side of Le Vaughn, he’s been quick to defend himself.
Recently, he took to his Instagram Story to accuse Barker of lying to protect her own image and to share a photo of the two of them together. Reportedly, it was taken after the alleged bottle-throwing incident. “I wasn’t even gone get on here outta respect for my family,” he began. “But my kids you lying an that sh*t you saying fabricated […] Lying knowing what I been through this year for your personal gain is cr*zy.”
About The Author
Caroline Fisher is a News Writer at HotNewHipHop from Chicago, Illinois. She started at HNHH this year, and has since spent her time writing about all that is newsworthy in the world of hip-hop. With a drive for hunting down the hottest stories, she enjoys documenting new developments in culture and entertainment. She also has an appreciation for hip-hop and seeks to cover the most important trends and shifts.
She has a Bachelor of Arts which she received at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Having graduated in 2022, she majored in English with a concentration in Media, Rhetoric and Cultural Studies.
Specializing all things music, pop culture and entertainment, some of her favorite musical artists include Snoop Dogg, OutKast, and Nicki Minaj. When she’s not writing about music she’s also a fan of attending shows, watching the latest movies, staying up-to-date with current events, photography, and poetry.