Should you be required to have your ATM card with you in order to close a bank account?
The person in today’s story doesn’t think so.
In fact, not being able to close the account makes this person want to get even by literally letting the credit union pay.
Let’s see how the story unfolds…
About 10 years ago I lived in another state.
While I lived there, I banked at a local credit union.
I moved out of the state six years ago, but didn’t close the account right away so that I could pay local remaining bills.
When finished I had $1.83 left over.
He decided to close out the account.
I passed through the town that I had lived in and thought I would be kind enough to stop into one of the branches and close out the account to get it off of their books.
They wouldn’t let me because I didn’t have the ATM card that they had issued, even though I had plenty of ID from the state I now live in.
OK, fine, I tried to be nice.
The postage cost more than the money in the account.
They kept mailing me statements for a year before they used up that $1.83 in inactivity fees.
They used up far more postage than that to send the statements.
Now that the account is empty, they still mail me statements each month with a zero balance.
I tried to help them, but now can’t be bothered.
They can mail me statements forever as far as I am concerned.
I’m not sure this is exactly revenge, but it’s ridiculous that they wouldn’t let him close the account.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
Be sure to keep the address updated!
This reader suggests requesting even more mail.
Here’s a similar story…
And another similar story!
The ATM rule is ridiculous!
Seriously, what if you lost your ATM card?
This is pure silliness, but delightful all the same.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.