Daughter Wants To Have Extra Cash For An Upcoming Trip, So She Skipped Giving Her Mom A Monthly Allowance. Now Mom Is Upset And Won’t Talk To Her. » TwistedSifter

Daughter Wants To Have Extra Cash For An Upcoming Trip, So She Skipped Giving Her Mom A Monthly Allowance. Now Mom Is Upset And Won’t Talk To Her. » TwistedSifter

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Daughter Wants To Have Extra Cash For An Upcoming Trip, So She Skipped Giving Her Mom A Monthly Allowance. Now Mom Is Upset And Won’t Talk To Her. » TwistedSifterDaughter Wants To Have Extra Cash For An Upcoming Trip, So She Skipped Giving Her Mom A Monthly Allowance. Now Mom Is Upset And Won’t Talk To Her. » TwistedSifter

Some parents treat their children as their retirement funds.

This woman gives her mother a monthly allowance to help her out financially.

However, this month, she decides to skip giving her money because she has an upcoming trip with her fiance.

This is causing a lot of family drama!

Find out all the details below.

I (26F) give my mom a set amount of money every month.

She’s retired and gets a pension, but she says it’s not enough to cover her expenses.

She insists that it’s my responsibility as her daughter to help her out financially.

This woman feels guilty for not being able to give her mom more money.

My sister and her husband give my mom more money than I do.

And they have a baby, which makes me feel even guiltier.

They often remind me that they manage to give more, even with their extra responsibilities.

She has an upcoming trip with her fiance, and she didn’t give her mom her monthly allowance.

This month, I decided not to give my mom her usual amount because I planned a 10-day vacation with my fiancé to another city.

I could have still gone on the trip while giving her the money, but I wanted to have more spending money to fully enjoy my time away.

Her mom gives her the cold treatment.

Now, my mom is upset, and her attitude toward me has shifted.

This isn’t the first time she’s been cold or distant when I couldn’t (or didn’t) give her money.

Even though I know I could technically afford both, I feel guilty for choosing to prioritize myself and my vacation instead.

So, AITA for skipping my monthly contribution to my mom so I could have more financial freedom on my trip?

That’s a tricky situation. I can see both sides of this story. Let’s check out what others have to say on Reddit.

This user gives their honest opinion.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Here’s another personal thought.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

The mother is being manipulative, says this person.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

While this person shares some advice.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Finally, this user thinks it’s not a real relationship.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

It sounds like the mother is only kind to her when she gives her money.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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