Wife Calls Husband Out After A Small Argument, But It Leads To An Unexpected Fallout And Lots Of Crying » TwistedSifter

Wife Calls Husband Out After A Small Argument, But It Leads To An Unexpected Fallout And Lots Of Crying » TwistedSifter

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Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/ Andrea PiacquadioSource: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/ Andrea Piacquadio

A woman shares her usual Saturday morning routine of walking with her husband for breakfast, but things take a turn after a small disagreement over a book.

When she tries to lighten the mood, calling him “grumpy pants” through the dog, it spirals into him walking out.

Now, she’s left questioning: was she too harsh?

Read the whole story and decide for yourself!

This morning (Saturday), we slept in late and took our time doing the chores.

It was already almost nine before my husband and I were getting ready to go for a walk to find some breakfast.

It’s a pretty regular Saturday morning routine to go out and walk together to get breakfast.

Anyway, as we were getting ready to go he sees me take a book out of my bag of holding and set it on the table.

He says, “did you have my book in your bag!!!?”

And I said yeah, “I told you our daughter was reading it yesterday when we were out.”

And he says, “but I didn’t know you put it in your bag!”

And cue the conflict.

And I get it, he takes better care of books than I do in general, but the book was fine.

He only knew it was in a bag because he saw me take it out, not because it was damaged.

Anyway, I explained why I had it and that it was fine, he was like I don’t want it going in your bag, it was annoying, but whatever.

So then I’m getting my shoes on to go for our walk and my dog comes up because he thinks he’s going.

And I say, sorry dog, I’m going out with Mr grumpy pants this time, not you.

Oh dear.

To which my husband replies, “No you’re not. I can’t deal with you this morning.”

And… Now I’m sitting alone a few blocks away crying after storming out.

I always really enjoy our walks and thought it was mutual and if that statement that it was “dealing with me” didn’t stick right in the gut.

So who’s in the wrong?

Was calling him “grumpy pants” a harmless joke or did it push him too far?

Reddit thinks it was a bit over the top.

This person is mostly annoyed by the talking through the dog.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This person thinks the blame game is just not cool here.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

And this person didn’t see a real apology ever.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA


Maybe calling him “grumpy pants” wasn’t the best way to smooth things over.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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