Friendships get tricky when life doesn’t work out the way you had hoped.
Sometimes you have to make hard decisions that may even end the frienship.
This woman refused to let her male friend move in with her when he needed a roof over his head.
Find out why she made this decision and what happened next.
AITA for not letting my M(34) we will call him B move in with me F(24)??
So last year I had a room for rent in my apt, I offered it to him and his WIFE because they were going through a hard time, they didn’t accept and things went back to normal for them.
Well last month Him and his wife apparently “separated” and he asked if he could move in with me.
I have a boyfriend m(24) and so I told him I will ask and make sure it wouldn’t make him uncomfortable.
She decided it wasn’t a good idea.
We decided together that it was not a good idea.
B had a tendency to drink a lot and do drugs, I’m sober so it was decided it is best he doesn’t move in.
Nothing against B but it wouldn’t have been good for me!
She offered him a compromise.
I did tell him he can come stay the week and we will figure out what to do from there.
There are hundreds of rooms for rent in this town for wayyy less than what I would have charged him.
It would have been easy for him to find a place.
Now he wants to end their friendship.
Anyways he refused the week I offered and told me he will just be homeless.
(His mom lives here) so I offered again because I figured he was just freaking out.
He responded saying that because of this we can no longer be friends.
He needs to be serious about ending the friendship.
It’s been about a month since we have talked and one of my friends recently said I was TA for not letting him move in.
Her friend was clearly asking for a huge favor here! Their friendship shouldn’t be contingent on being roommates.
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit have to say about this one.
This user believes this guy was never a friend to her.
That’s right! This user knows she isn’t obligated to help anyone!
This user thinks she made the right decision.
Exactly! This user knows she doesn’t need to live with people she doesn’t want to live with!
True that! This user knows she isn’t required to fulfill everyone’s expectations.
Maybe he should move in with his mom.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.