Dealing with unwanted attention can be hard, especially when it’s coming from someone who may not be able to help it.
So, what would you do if a classmate spent years following you, making inappropriate comments, and refusing to respect boundaries?
Would you confront them directly? Or would you take it a step further and get outside help?
In the following story, a young lady finds herself in this exact predicament. Here’s what she did.
I (17F) have been dealing with a creepy classmate (17M) for all 4 years of high school now.
He’s autistic, so I kind of put up with it because I felt guilty thinking “he doesn’t know what he’s doing.” However, the first year of harassment and stalking was really creepy. He would make gross comments about my body, pointing out how big my chest was, how thin I was, etc., and it really grossed me out.
Finally after that year it stopped, but he continued to follow me around and I think poorly attempt at be my friend. I just put up with it and hoped it stopped.
He continued to creep me out every year. He’d follow me around, forcefully sit with me (he literally pushed one of my friends to sit next to me), and wouldn’t leave me alone.
Rather than getting better, his behavior got worse.
One year at homecoming he FOLLOWED ME TO THE BATHROOM.
I had to be escorted out by a huge group of girls I did not know because he wouldn’t leave.
He was practically a stalker.
Ewww. What is with this guy?
Finally, this year came around, and I started sitting with a big group of my friends at lunch, which I just so happened to share with the creepy guy.
He tracked me down and followed me to sit down with me and creeped EVERYONE out.
He just got way too comfortable, would talk to them like he had known them for years, and was just kind of weird overall.
They knew my history with him, though, and so I think it just weirded them out further.
Since they were starting to be affected, I finally manned up and told a principal along with my friends.
The principal talked to him, but it did no good.
According to them (I was told, as the principals don’t really know me), she talked to the creepy guy and told him to stop.
But it didn’t work.
He came up to me after days of me avoiding him and sat down like nothing happened.
One of my friends just had enough and told him off, told him he was creeping us out and we needed him to leave.
Now the kid’s accusing my friend of “being a liar” (???) and me of being a horrible person and unfair.
I don’t understand what I did wrong. Did I do the wrong thing? I feel like he’s upset because I wouldn’t put up with his creepy behavior.
Yikes! This sounds like a very uncomfortable situation.
Let’s see what Reddit readers have to say about her situation.
Here’s a school nurse’s advice.
Agree. It doesn’t seem like he respects anyone.
As this person points out, he could take it to the next level.
These are great questions.
Autism or not, something needs to happen.
Either she needs to seek additional help at school, or it’s time to tell her parents.
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