Getting passed over for a promotion is frustrating, but it’s even worse when the person who gets the job is clearly unqualified.
So, what would you do if years of dedication and cost-saving efforts went completely unnoticed? Would you keep playing by the rules? Or would you stop holding back and let the company feel the consequences?
In the following story, one employee finds herself in this exact predicament and decides enough is enough.
Here’s how it all unfolded.
I’m currently benefiting from some petty revenge.
Basically, the management company for my apartment complex passed over the woman who’d been here for 25 years for a new guy who doesn’t know his butt from his elbow.
He was one of those Neanderthal types with vacant eyes and his mouth always hanging slightly open.
Frustrated, she stopped trying to save the company money.
So this lovely woman now decides that her precious mission to save the company money is fruitless and will never gain her praise or compensation as she’d hoped.
So, suddenly, when I made my fourth complaint about my dishwasher, she just ordered me a new one.
A/c unit not working well? Let’s get you a brand new, more efficient one.
One button on your microwave stopped working? Here’s a new one.
It’s great, and I bet they’re regretting it now, lol.
Yikes! Wonder how long it’ll take the owners to notice.
Let’s see how Reddit readers feel about this lady.
This person suggests making the most out of it.
As this comment points out, her ways of saving money probably hurt the tenants for years.
Similar thoughts to the last comment.
Here’s another story about apartment life.
There must be other reasons she was overlooked.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.