Becoming A Doctor Is Hard Enough, But His Teacher Made It Nearly Impossible. So Once He Succeeded, He Opened His Own Offices And Put His Teacher Out Of Business. » TwistedSifter

Becoming A Doctor Is Hard Enough, But His Teacher Made It Nearly Impossible. So Once He Succeeded, He Opened His Own Offices And Put His Teacher Out Of Business. » TwistedSifter

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Becoming A Doctor Is Hard Enough, But His Teacher Made It Nearly Impossible. So Once He Succeeded, He Opened His Own Offices And Put His Teacher Out Of Business. » TwistedSifterBecoming A Doctor Is Hard Enough, But His Teacher Made It Nearly Impossible. So Once He Succeeded, He Opened His Own Offices And Put His Teacher Out Of Business. » TwistedSifter

Becoming a doctor takes a lot of education, training, and hard work.

What would you do if the office where you were doing your residency treated you (and the patients) poorly, making life very difficult?

That is what happened to the doctor in this story, so once he graduated, he got revenge.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

My uncle is an Indian doctor.

In the 90s there was a massive doctors shortage in Australia so the government gave him citizenship.

Unfortunately you still had to sit 3 expensive exams to work as a doctor in Australia.

These exams cost thousands of dollars, only happened twice a year, had limited sitting spots/times and had arbitrary pass/fail marks.

If they wanted more doctors, why did they make it so hard for them?

So many Indian doctors ended up becoming taxi drivers/small businessmen etc.

My uncle decided instead he would reapply and go through Australian medical school.

Sure enough being a doctor for 10+years makes medical school easy and my uncle was top of his class.

He decided since he was already pushing 40 + had a family, he would apply to become a GP (family physician) instead of applying to be a surgeon like most of his teachers had suggested.

At the time many desperate foreign doctors where applying for GP residency.

They would essentially get treated like crap.

They would be forced to work unpaid overtime.

They would not be given proper study time or leave to sit mandatory exams.

This should be illegal.

They would pocket the meals/accommodation/study/leave allowances that you were supposed to be paid by the training college.

They would roster you to work every Saturday/Sunday shift and if you refused they would give you a bad review and your training would be jeapordised.

This mostly happened to foreign doctors as most of them would be in bad debt and highly desperate for any sort of work.

When my uncle graduated, he applied for GP training in a practice that is located within an Indian ethnic enclave so that he would have access to religious food/schools etc for the kids.

Sure enough this practice engaged in all of the above activity.

My uncle would work every single Saturday shift.

During his dedicated ‘study’ time he would have to come into work.

He got reprimanded for not overcharging patients in line with their framework.

His trainer has no empathy at all.

Worst of all, when my aunt was really sick and hospitalised, they wouldnt give him any time off to look after her and the kids.

The owner of the clinic was a white GP who was openly racist against Indians, Asians, and Aboriginal people (who were a large percentage of the clientele of this clinic).

My uncle bided his 3 years and as soon as his documentation came through making him a GP, he quit that instant.

He went down to the local bank and got a loan to open up his own practice.

All his old patients quickly moved with him to the new practice.

The first year he struggled but his practice quickly became known and word spread.

Surprise, surprise foreign trained doctors actually work well and care about their patients if you actually care about them and give them appropriate wages/living conditions.

More patients and more doctors looked to work with my uncle.

That is some great growth.

Within 2 years my uncle had a GP practice that had 4 doctors, 2 nurses, 2 trainees and a manager.

His practice easily rivaled his original teachers.

He then started 2 more GP practices with the money he was pulling in.

These practices trapped his old teachers clinic in a 2km triangle.

He would advertise heavily and make sure he could take as much business from his old teacher as he could.

Within 5 years his old teachers practice went from hiring 6 doctors, 4 nurses and 6 trainees to just 1 doctor (his old teacher) and no one else.

His old teacher tried to sell up his practice to other doctors but no one would purchase it given how successful my uncle’s 3 surrounding practices were.

He then tried to sell it to my uncle who refused to buy even at a ridiculously low sale price.

Just putting salt in the wound.

Instead he waited for the bank to re-possess his old teachers clinic and then purchased it for a bit more money from the bank.

My uncle then re-purposed the building into his main offices from where he runs his other 3 practices.

He made sure to redevelop his old bosses room into a staff toilets just as one final tribute to how bad that was his old boss was.

Imagine that, treating patients well actually works! Hopefully, other doctor’s offices learn this lesson.

Let’s see what the people in the comments on Reddit have to say.

They must do things differently over there.

Source: Reddit/Pro RevengeSource: Reddit/Pro Revenge

Ok, this is funny.

Source: Reddit/Pro RevengeSource: Reddit/Pro Revenge

Yup, I agree with this commenter.

Source: Reddit/Pro RevengeSource: Reddit/Pro Revenge

The best revenge is a life well lived.

Source: Reddit/Pro RevengeSource: Reddit/Pro Revenge

Yes, this was perfection.

Source: Reddit/Pro RevengeSource: Reddit/Pro Revenge

An ethical doctor gets his revenge.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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