Reddit is filled with stories of family inheritances gone wrong, but this family seems to be taking it in stride.
When their parents decided to transfer a property to their brother instead of them, they had only one request: That their younger brother step up and manage it himself without their help.
Read on to find out what happens next.
My parents gave me a piece of property and then decided to give to my brother instead.
I tell her I have no problem with it.
They knew this was going to be a big responsibility.
Due of the property law in my country, this is going to be tedious, and while I don’t mind my brother having the property, I want him to handle the inheritance transfer.
They weren’t feeling up to the task, so they were more than happy to let their younger sibling handle it.
My reason is that 1: I work full time and have kids to take care of so my day is full already.
2: He’s the beneficiary of this transfer and should have a bigger responsibility.
But they do feel a little bad for not helping.
What makes me feel bad for not following my parents and help with the paperwork is that my brother is only 18.
He’s probably too young to handle this, but I do want him to at least research on it or draft something and I don’t want the responsibility to fall on me alone.
But on the other hand, they think he might be up for the task with a little elbow grease.
Also, he’s literally just finished all his entrance exam and it’s at least another 2 months till he starts college, so he’s not doing anything right now.
Please let me know if I’m crazy to reject to help my parents.
A little property paperwork could be the perfect introduction to adulthood for their little brother.
What did Reddit think?
If the older sibling’s name isn’t on the paperwork, they have no obligation to help.
This commenter thinks the parents should be the ones stepping up.
This commenter concurs.
This redditor agrees the exercise is a great test of responsibility.
Sometimes you just have to get pushed into the pool to learn how to swim!
Nothing says “welcome to adulthood” like a hefty stack of paperwork!
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.