Verizon Customer Was Furious A Location Was Understaffed And So She Caused A Scene, But She Soon Discovers She’s Actually A T-Mobile Customer » TwistedSifter

Verizon Customer Was Furious A Location Was Understaffed And So She Caused A Scene, But She Soon Discovers She’s Actually A T-Mobile Customer » TwistedSifter

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Verizon Customer Was Furious A Location Was Understaffed And So She Caused A Scene, But She Soon Discovers She’s Actually A T-Mobile Customer » TwistedSifterVerizon Customer Was Furious A Location Was Understaffed And So She Caused A Scene, But She Soon Discovers She’s Actually A T-Mobile Customer » TwistedSifter

You may have noticed that a lot of Karens don’t even check the facts before getting outraged.

Usually whatever situation they’re in is entirely their own fault.

Keep reading to see what this fuming customer didn’t realize.

I was having some problems with my cell phone and customer service was no help.

My husband and I went to our nearest Verizon store and there was only 1 staff member.

Because of this, several people were waiting.

But that wasn’t the only problem.

One woman in line ahead of us kept yelling out that she didn’t see why the staff wouldn’t just help her first because “It was only something that would take a few minutes.”

In between yelling this, she’d loudly sing various oldie songs really off-key (not sure if it was on purpose).

The staff member was trying the best he could, given how many people there were plus the phone ringing constantly.

When it came the lady’s turn, she actually yelled at the guy about how she had to wait a half hour.

Then things escalate.

She said how rude and stupid he was for causing that line and threatened to call the manager.

When he said he was the manager, she just scoffed and said how the company was going to ****.

She gives him her phone and insists that he reactivate her service.

When he goes to look up her account, he can’t find it.

She screams about what an idiot he is and how the other T-Mobile store never treated her this badly.

Turns out she didn’t even realize she was in the wrong store!

Here is what people are saying.

Would not surprise me one bit.

Source: Reddit/Entitled PeopleSource: Reddit/Entitled People

Haha! I bet he wishes he could talk to her like that.

Source: Reddit/Entitled PeopleSource: Reddit/Entitled People

I’m not sure how helpful that would be.

Source: Reddit/Entitled PeopleSource: Reddit/Entitled People

If I was a praying woman…

Source: Reddit/Entitled PeopleSource: Reddit/Entitled People

I agree. This behaviour should have consequences.

Source: Reddit/Entitled PeopleSource: Reddit/Entitled People

I bet she wrote an angry Facebook post about this and left out that it was her fault.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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