Hureleyon McLean shot dead on Thanksgiving by neighbor

Hureleyon McLean shot dead on Thanksgiving by neighbor

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Hureleyon McLean shot dead on Thanksgiving by neighbor

Source: charinporn thayot / Getty


Ignorance and crime don’t take days off. Rain, sleet, hail, snow, easter, Memorial Day, July 4, Christmas Day or New Year’s day, violence can ruin a family’s life.

According to PEOPLE, a 72-year-old grandfather named Hureleyon McLean was shot dead at an apartment complex in Lauderdale Lakes, Florida on Thanksgiving day following a dispute with a neighbor. McLean’s wife Rose McLean tells WSVN that they were preparing to celebrate the holiday with the family when she heard a single gunshot and ran outside to find her husband face down in a pool of blood. Rose says that their downstairs neighbor had come up to complain that the music was too loud. She told WSVN reporter Nicole Linsalata spoke that McLean went downstairs to speak the unnamed neighbor when the fatal shooting took place.

“He didn’t seem like he was sorry?” asked Linsalata.

“No, he wasn’t sorry. He was just standing, looking at me with his gun in his hand the same way,” said Rose. “And I go up to him and say, ‘Why did you shoot my husband? Why?’ And he said to me, ‘If I didn’t shut my mouth, he would shoot me, too.’”

Broward County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that one person was detained following the incident but did not confirm whether or not that person was the accused neighbor.

If it is confirmed that this neighbor killed this man over some damn music, we hope they put him under the jail.

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