Drama in the home is upsetting. It’s especially upsetting when you’re a guest in someone’s home and the homeowners start yelling at each other in front of you.
Who would want to stay in a home like that?
Keep reading to see what happened when this house guest was accused of something she didn’t do.
I was visiting family for Thanksgiving.
My cousin insisted that I stay at her house.
After Thanksgiving the younger kids were back.
She’s screaming at her boyfriend to come get the baby. That she needs a break.
But it gets even more hostile.
He hasn’t sat down for a minute and she starts screaming and cussing why hasn’t he washed the dishes?
He normal voice says, I’m taking care of the baby.
I tell him I’ll entertain the child and she gets mad about that.
I went to get a drink and he was sitting on a step stool while holding the baby. I jokingly asked was he grounded.
And my cousin said if I’m stuck in the kitchen he can be in here too. He can at least show me some support.
Then something changes.
She tells him to go get her son.
He left to go get the child, she grabbed the baby and went to her bedroom.
I gathered my stuff and left and went to my dad’s house to get something.
I found out he took his son and left that morning and she says it’s my fault.
She has me blocked on social media, but my niece is saying all kind of messed up stuff.
Life is too short for drama.
That definitely sounds like a lot of drama!
Here is what people are saying on Reddit.
I feel so sorry for those kids, too. What a home life.
You can count on this. Ignore her.
I hope so, too. Her kids probably need it, too.
I can’t imagine having to live and deal with someone like that.
I’d rather spend holidays alone if my family were like this.
What is her deal?