Teenage Babysitter Ate Some Food While She Was Working At Got Yelled At By The Mom, So She Disrupted Their Perfect Little Home Next Time She Was Over » TwistedSifter

Teenage Babysitter Ate Some Food While She Was Working At Got Yelled At By The Mom, So She Disrupted Their Perfect Little Home Next Time She Was Over » TwistedSifter

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Source: Shutterstock/RedditSource: Shutterstock/Reddit

Why do parents hire babysitters and then treat them like garbage?

It’s one of life’s great mysteries – those are the people caring for your kids while you’re out.

And here’s another story in that realm.

Take a look at how this teenager handled some unruly parents.

“When I was in my teens I had a paper route, mowed lawns, that sort of thing, for extra money. I also babysat.

One of my paper route customers wanted a babysitter for a Saturday night, and I took the gig.

They wanted me there for 7 pm, and I was 10 minutes early.

The wife kept an immaculate home, everything in its place and very tidy.

When I arrived she gave me the run-down, including pointing out how she had graciously provided me a snack, 2 Oreo cookies and a glass of juice on the counter.

They were hungry…

I had skipped dinner, and soon after they left, I explored the pantry, found the bag of Oreos, and helped myself to 2 more.

Now this pantry was the size of a large walk-in closet, and was stuffed.

There were lots of canned goods, all facing forward with the labels in perfect alignment.

There were cereal boxes, set up on the shelves in descending sizes.

I don’t know if she was a 1970’s version of a doomsday prepper, but there was a ton of stockpiled food in there.


All went well, until they returned.

The wife said she was paying me from 8pm, even though I arrived before 7, because “they were late leaving.”

She also made a point of magnanimously pointing out that the Hubby was giving me a ride home…for free.

It’s after midnight and I’m 15, did you expect me to WALK home?


Then the storm hit.

The next day, she shows up at our house, freaking out on my Mom, calling her a lousy parent, and me a thief.

Why? Because I ate 2 cookies.

That’s right, she counted the Oreos and found 2 missing!!

The argument was short, my Mom told her to leave, and she roared away down the street.

Fast forward a month or two, and I am delivering the Saturday paper in the early afternoon, and Hubby asks if I am available to babysit that evening.

Apparently, the sitter they had arranged backed out at the last minute.

Against my better judgement, I accepted, I could use the cash.

The wife made a point of mentioning that she “didn’t want a repeat of the last time” and made me agree not to eat anything but what she had laid out for me.


She had some issues.

I didn’t know at the time, but it’s clear the wife suffered from OCD.

If I had known, I probably wouldn’t have done what I did, I have a little more knowledge about psychological conditions now.

But at the time, all I knew was that this woman was a crazy who had yelled at my Mom.

So as soon as they left, I got to work.

Time to get busy!

I removed every label from every can in the pantry.

She had them all set up by categories, soups on one shelf, canned fruit on another, canned vegetables on a different shelf. I scattered them.

I also shuffled the boxes around. I messed that pantry up any way I could.

I pulled the tray of Chips Ahoy cookies out, and put them in the Oreos bag, then put the Oreos in the Chips Ahoy bag.

I pulled out the bag from the Rice Krispies box and swapped it with the Corn Flakes.

You get the idea.

Then I left a note on the floor that said, “Don’t ever call me again”.

See ya!

They paid me when they got home, and I said I would walk home.

I then took the money they gave me and left it in their mailbox on the way out.

The next morning I gave my parents a heads-up of what I had done, just in case psycho wife showed up again.

They were disappointed, but quite amused. She never showed up.

I continued the paper route for some time, but within a few days I had received notice that they had cancelled their delivery of the newspaper.

Fine with me.

Over the next few months I would see them now and again, and would simply look at them and smile.

They would scramble back into the house avoiding me.

There were also some kids on my route that had some experience with this woman, and apparently she had treated others badly as well.

That was the reason that she couldn’t find a sitter, word had gotten around to avoid her.

When I told one or two what I had done, they all thought it was brilliant, and wished they had thought of it.”

Let’s see how Reddit users reacted.

This person had a lot to say.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This person made a good point.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Another Reddit user spoke up.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

And this person shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

These people have kids…?

I bet her daily life is just a nightmare.

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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