Neighborhood Thief Was Breaking Into Cars, But He Caught Him In the Act And Turned Him In » TwistedSifter

Neighborhood Thief Was Breaking Into Cars, But He Caught Him In the Act And Turned Him In » TwistedSifter

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Who’s ready for a great revenge story from Reddit?!?!

Okay, let’s see a show of hands…

All of you?


And let me just say that I think you’re going to enjoy this story immensely.

Check out what went down!

“This takes place about 6 months ago.

There was talk going around the neighborhood about random things missing from people’s cars, to the point where people were questioning their own sanity.

What was going on here…?

Why would my neighbor’s charger be gone but his wallet still here?

The number of stories became clear that there was someone checking for unlocked cars at night.

My car was even stolen from 3 times. It’s my own fault for forgetting to lock it, I know.

I would come out and the change from my cupholder would be missing, but the box of DVDs and set of golf clubs in the back seat were still there.

The 3rd time he took something it ended up being an $80 speaker I had just bought THAT DAY.

This triggered a personal vendetta.

Now to the revenge.

I used to work as a night shift supervisor for a popular furniture company, so I regularly got home from work at 1:56 am on the dot.

I had a very strict nightly routine. This night was no different.

When I get home I let my 2 Great Danes out in the front yard to handle their business, while I smoke a bowl before heading in to make some dinner.

Before I took a hit I noticed someone riding their bike down the street, I assumed it was just another night shift worker without a car as he pulled in to a driveway a few houses down and across the street from me.

That’s weird…

When I saw him leave the driveway and keep riding, I was immediately fishy.

I let my dogs back inside and woke my parents up (I’m only 22 and and a few months away from buying a house of my own).

I told them that I think the car thief is outside, and if they hear any yelling to call the police.

I got back outside to finish my bowl and wouldn’t you know it, he’s down the street in a different driveway.

I watched him go to three houses, checking all the car handles to see if they were unlocked.

He starts to make his way to my house so I hid my bowl and sat closer to the bush next to my front door.

At this point I can’t see him, so when I don’t hear the squeaking of his bike anymore, I stand up to see him in the middle of my side yard walking his bike towards my car.


I yelled out loud enough for my parents to hear, “hey jerk!!”

He tries to ride away when he hears me but I’m already at a sprint.

As he gets off my yard and to the road, I dive and tackle him off the bike, getting pretty bloody from being dragged a few feet before he fell off.

He stands up and we get in a mini fight for 30-45 seconds before I take him to the ground in a headlock.

He gave up at that point.

Next thing I know my 300 pound dad comes running out in nothing but his underwear while on the phone with the police.

5 minutes later two squad cars show up and they sat us both down to hear the stories.

I told them everything that happened, minus the smoking a bowl part.

He switched his story three times.

First saying he was just taking a pee, then he said he was getting out of work, and lastly that he was going to a friends house.

He was busted.

The cops searched his backpack and found a bunch of stuff including a bottle of my neighbors prescription pills.

They ended up giving him a court date and letting him go since he gave a confession of the crime.

The best part of the story is that my best friend’s dad is a detective for the police department and he watched the body cam footage the next day.

This 53 year old man was crying hysterically saying “all I heard was some yelling and then I got tackled.”

He also said he was very disturbed seeing my dad in his underwear.”

And here’s what people had to say on Reddit.

This person chimed in.

Source: Reddit/ProRevengeSource: Reddit/ProRevenge

Another reader shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/ProRevengeSource: Reddit/ProRevenge

This reader shared a story.

Source: Reddit/ProRevengeSource: Reddit/ProRevenge

Nobody likes a thief…

You’ve gotta figure you’ll get caught eventually.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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