Religion in families can be a tricky subject, especially if not everyone agrees.
No matter how you indoctrinate children, eventually they have to decide for themselves what they believe.
This guy’s beliefs don’t align with his mother’s, so he wants her to stop giving his things to her religious leader without his permission.
Check out the details and decide whose side you’re on.
For context, my parents are Muslim (I’m agnostic). They follow a branch of Islam with a heavy emphasis on philosophy.
Growing up, I was often subjected to these religious discussions and visits to a “Respected Elder” who led these spiritual gatherings.
Interesting. I wonder what that entails.
My parents have followed multiple elders over the years, bringing them gifts as a form of respect.
As a child, I believed it was normal until I grew up and realized it felt very cult-like.
One such elder, “Grumpy Elder,” lives in the city where I attend university.
A few years ago, my mom insisted we visit him before driving back home.
Reluctantly, I agreed.
During the visit, I was shocked when my mom got on her knees and kissed his foot.
This was the moment I felt fully disgusted and realized I no longer respected these elders.
Oh wow, did this person ever have to see Grumpy Elder again?
Today, as I’m preparing to move back home, my mom wanted to visit Grumpy Elder again.
I told her she could, but then noticed she was packing items from my house — a large can of olive oil and a pack of Earl Grey tea — as gifts for him.
I refused, telling her that he already gets enough from his followers and has a decent pension.
How did the mother react?
She got upset, and although she didn’t say it outright, I could tell she thought I was being a jerk.
Some context: I don’t have my own income, so most items in the house are technically bought using my mom’s money.
But not all the items, right?
However, the specific items she took were bought by my dad (my parents are divorced).
I felt it was unfair for her to gift them to Grumpy Elder.
So, AITA for stopping her from giving things to this elder?
How does Reddit feel about Grump Elder?
Let’s read the comments below to find out.
Redditors simplified what seemed to be a complicated subject with “theft.”
Others were just confused on what “sect” this even was.
Muslims weighed in, saying the he may be confused.
They even added that this act of worship would be “haram.”
And others reminded him that the mother can always buy gifts instead.
This mother can worship however she pleases — but she shouldn’t steal.
He was right to stand up for himself.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.