Rude Partiers Kept Neighbors Awake With Late-Night Parking Lot Shenanigans, So One Renter Took His Laser Pointer And Sent Everyone Running Back Inside » TwistedSifter

Rude Partiers Kept Neighbors Awake With Late-Night Parking Lot Shenanigans, So One Renter Took His Laser Pointer And Sent Everyone Running Back Inside » TwistedSifter

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Rude Partiers Kept Neighbors Awake With Late-Night Parking Lot Shenanigans, So One Renter Took His Laser Pointer And Sent Everyone Running Back Inside » TwistedSifterRude Partiers Kept Neighbors Awake With Late-Night Parking Lot Shenanigans, So One Renter Took His Laser Pointer And Sent Everyone Running Back Inside » TwistedSifter

No one likes noisy neighbors, especially ones who party late into the night.

When one particularly rowdy group of neighbors wouldn’t turn down the volume, all it took was one renter’s red laser pointer to send them scattering.

You’ll want to read on for this one!

I used to live in an apartment complex where there were rows of six, 2 story high townhouse apts to each building, that were facing each other.

The driveway and parking area and spaces were in the middle of them, which created a sound catching amphitheater valley which amplified all the parking lot sounds.

Everyone’s parking spaces were in front of their front doors.

The complex was home to many partiers, which this renter was able to deal with most of the time.

There were idiots galore who played their cars music loud, or had social hour in front of their houses, and the kids all played there too.

I didn’t mind that too much, except for when it was late at night when everyone was sleeping.

Many bedroom windows faced the center of that amphitheater parking lot.

Mine included.

One evening, the neighbors were being especially rowdy.

One night, across from me, but not directly across, some drunk couples were loud and sitting out there on their front porch.

Someone had drove up and started arguing with the people who were sitting there, having social drunk time at 2am, disturbing everyone.

A fight almost broke out.

That, however, didn’t deter them from continuing their loud festivities.

The car that came in did not belong to anyone who lived there and after the car zoomed off, the partiers were louder than ever, continuing their loud conversations.

So this fed-up renter decided to take matters into their own hands.

After about a half hour more of this offending ruckus, I quietly eased my window open, got my laser pointer and shone it onto one of the loud rude neighbors.

The plan worked better than they could have hoped!

One of the other people noticed the light on him and told him.

They freaked out and all started crouching, ducking and covering behind the cars, scrambling to avoid the red dot being put on them. HaHaHaHa! 😂🤣

They thought the people who they had just argued with had come back and had put them in the laser sights.

They all ran into the apartment and off the front porch and shut their door, which had been open and playing music for only their pleasure.

So rude they were.

The renter’s little prank even got them scared enough to call the police.

Soon after, some police cars showed up whom they must have called because they felt their lives were in danger by some unknown lurker with them in their gun lasers sight.

I still laugh to this day when I think of them suddenly dropping and crouching and scrambling, running for cover and running into their apartment, where they should have been all along.

Ah, finally peace and quiet.

What did Reddit think?

Now these kinds of stories are exactly why this user subscribes to this subreddit.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

“Ha, amateurs” – the neighborhood cats.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This story paints a hilarious picture.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This story lives on in many of their memories, without a doubt.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevengeSource: Reddit/PettyRevenge

All it took was one harmless red laser to give them the scare of a lifetime.

Sometimes peace and quiet are just a point and click away.

If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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