A Driver Started Turning His Headlights On And Off Repeatedly, So Another Driver In Front Of Him Slowed Way Down To Teach A Lesson » TwistedSifter

A Driver Started Turning His Headlights On And Off Repeatedly, So Another Driver In Front Of Him Slowed Way Down To Teach A Lesson » TwistedSifter

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A Driver Started Turning His Headlights On And Off Repeatedly, So Another Driver In Front Of Him Slowed Way Down To Teach A Lesson » TwistedSifterA Driver Started Turning His Headlights On And Off Repeatedly, So Another Driver In Front Of Him Slowed Way Down To Teach A Lesson » TwistedSifter

I always say that you can only drive as fast as the slowest car in front of you, and today’s story proves that point. One driver starts turning his headlights on and off, so the other driver retaliates by slowing down.

Let’s see how the story plays out…

So to start it off, I will say that I am a decent driver.

There have definitely been times when I made a risky move, and I always acknowledge it. But for the most part I know my limits and will drive accordingly.

Now to the good stuff.

OP was on the way home.

So after a long day, I am driving home and the turn for the one lane road is coming up.

I knew to make it I had to speed up to go over 2 lanes to make that right turn. But I waited until I saw the headlights of the car in the lane next to me in my rear view mirror before I went over.

They also turned right.

The other driver started turning their lights on and off.

So this one lane road can be windy and usually high beams need to be on to get through it safely.

So when the guy behind me turned their high beams on, I thought “hey no worries, I have mine on, you can turn yours off” which they did…..until 5 seconds later when they turned it back on….and 5 seconds later turned it off….and so on and so forth until I realized they were doing it on purpose.

Well, after reflecting on my actions, I realized this Good Samaritan who decided to inform me of my wrong doings was correct. And, to show my appreciation, I decided to fix the error of my ways.

OP decided to slow down.

Not only did I slow down to driving the speed limit on a longer road he couldn’t pass me on, I even went down to 5 miles below it (after making sure no one was behind him). Because I really needed to get my speeding under control.

It turned out that they were behind me for the next 10 minutes right before I got home. And they even did the headlight thing to me when there were other cars driving towards us on the other side!!

So after witnessing that, I didn’t feel too guilty about my actions.

All in all I will say 10/10 would highly recommend. I may just be petty the next time someone decides to mess around with me.

Messing with other drivers on the road is not a good idea. Thankfully in this case nobody got hurt.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…

This reader found a way to deal with drivers who put on their brights.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I wouldn’t want to be behind this Nissan truck…

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Here’s another way to get revenge…

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

It could’ve been a technology problem.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This reader agrees that it may not have been road rage.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Yeah, don’t do this! Duh!

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